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Oil of oregano…

In my last post…I bitch about the dental community and the conflicting treatment plans I received to treat my dental infection in tooth #14.

This morning, I visited the endodontist for a consult for re-treatment of a 20-year-old root canal.  He x-rayed me and said was infected…however from my recollection of the x-ray taken last week…the infection looked smaller.

Then an hour later I’m having my tooth extracted at the oral surgeon’s who said he didn’t see an infection.

Perhaps it was the angle of the x-ray or the use of oil of oregano.

I don’t know.  Upon reflection…I started taking 2 caps of Now Foods Oil of Oregano 3x a day for the past two weeks because I can’t take antibiotics and I knew this tooth was infected.

Could it be that oregano was helping me to fight this infection?

Huh.  I really should try to get a hold of those x-rays before I jump to conclusions and compare.

I will say though…this has been the most troublesome extraction.  I’ve never experienced so much pain and inability to form a clot.  It’s been 7 hours and still bleeding.

Thank god I have ice cream and bananas.  Looks like that’s the diet for the next couple of days.

Can you trust a dental professional?

I wound up pulling tooth #14.  My intuition told me since it was a 20-year-old root canal and that it’s the only tooth left in that area it must be evil (lol).

I decided to pull it for a couple of reasons:

  1. Pain.
  2. 20-year-old root canal.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. General ill feeling (maybe left over from the clindamycin reaction…hmm….perhaps it’s this tooth).
  5. Heard different diagnoses from different dentists.  Seriously.  If something is infected…it’s infected!  C’mon people!

Seriously.  Here’s the breakdown of people involved with the ADA I’ve seen for this freaking tooth and their treatment recommendations:

  1. Holistic Dentist #1:  Extraction due to infection (shown on x-ray). Didn’t use her due to irresponsibility of life threatening reaction to clindamycin.  Evaluation + clindamycin + probiotic = $450.00
  2. Regular Dentist #1:  Didn’t see infection in #14, but extracted #15 (placed bone graft and removed cyst in #16).  Honestly, I kept on complaining about #14 from the get-go with him.  Same x-rays from holistic dentist was used plus he took his own.  Evaluation + Extraction + Bone Graft + Cyst Removal + Follow Up Examination = 2600.00
  3. Regular Dentist #3:  Tells me bite is off and shaves down a lower molar.  No infection found:  Shaving tooth = 149.00
  4. Holistic Dentist #2:  Infection found #14.  Recommends extraction which he doesn’t perform.  Evaluation:  150.00
  5. Regular Dentist #4:  Tells me infection is found and is minor.  Recommends root canal re-treatment.  Which I entertain after discussing with mom.  Evaluation + cutting off existing crown = 350.00, new post and crown = 1800.00
  6. Endodontist:  Recommended by dentist #4, sees infection.  After carefully explaining my health situation and that I cannot take antibiotics, finally tells me it he couldn’t help treat the infection as it’s in the bone.  He recommends extraction.  Evaluation = 89.00
  7. Oral Surgeon:  Recommended by endodontist.  Does not see infection.  Fed up due to pain, I have it yanked.  Extraction = 350.00

I was so sick of this fucking tooth.  Just had it pulled.  It was the most terrible tooth extraction I’ve ever had.  I swear I feel my neck is cracked.  It was a nightmare.

There was NO way the tooth would have survived a root canal re-treatment.  The tooth was fractured in so many places.  Damn thing still has uncontrollable bleeding as I type (trying the tea bag technique now + ice).

How could so many dentists come up with differing views of something so supposedly so clear to the eye?  An x-ray is an x-ray and an infection is an infection.  When I get the x-rays I’ll post them.  I’ve seen the infection on the x-rays and it was above the root tip in the bone.

I just hope the oral surgeon cleaned it.  Not so sure about that…he tells me not to worry.  Sigh.  Seems like that’s all I’m doing…worrying.

Just hope this tooth extraction solves my general ill feeling.  My inner voice was screaming for the tooth to be removed…but it’s so unsettling when the professionals we seek help from cannot routinely concur with treatment plans.

It must be all about the money.

Somehow I believe the oral surgeon.  He was the only dentist guy who was willing to take me as an “emergency” case…and he called me back when my bleeding was not stopping.  He seemed to generally care about my well-being and not the $$$ he could profit from me.

I don’t know.  It’s just this feeling I have inside.  Just hope I’m finally on the way to recovery!   🙂

Intuition or Mom?

What’s the right decision?  Mom seems to be trumping my intuition.

I have another infected tooth (old root canal). I knew it was infected when the other tooth was pulled last month (dentist denied it was infected). Well…here I am sitting here with another infection.

I was supposed to have the root canal re-treated today. The endodontist called in sick.  Next appointment is Monday.  I seriously can’t wait another 5 days.

I can’t take another antibiotic (band-aid).

I believe it’s a sign. I shouldn’t have it treated. It should be pulled.

Since I’m not paying for it, the payer (Mom), insists on re-treatment.

It’s cheaper to have it pulled.

I believe it’s “healthier” to have it pulled.

My intuition is telling me this tooth is causing my fever, sinus issues, and headaches.

I need it out.

Mom insists to wait until Monday and have re-treatment.

I feel we’re making a huge mistake financially and physically.

What kind of crap do they pack the tooth with anyway? 

Suggestions anyone?